Septic systems are expensive to install and require digging down and tearing up a large portion of land, often located in one's backyard, in order to install a new septic system, which is why you want to make the septic system you have last as long as possible. It is easy to take care of your septic system if you are armed with the right knowledge.
Easy Way #1: Get an Annual Inspection
One of the best things you can do when you have a septic tank is to get an annual inspection. During an annual inspection, a septic system professional will come out and check out your system.
They will run some tests, and make sure that your system is working properly. This inspection can usually be wrapped up quickly, especially if no issues are found. If an issue is found, the inspector can often address the issue right there, or they can schedule a call-back if necessary.
Easy Way #2: Set Up and Stick to a Pumping Schedule
Second, you need to make sure that you have a pumping schedule. This is different from your annual inspection. At your annual inspection, the inspector will let you know if you need to pump your tank, but the tank pumping should be a different event.
How often your tank needs to be pumped depends on the size of the tank, the size of your household, and how much water you use. Once you know more about your usage, over time, you will be able to predict how often you need to get your tank pumped. It is better to pump more frequently than less frequently.
Easy Way #3: Reduce Water Usage
Third, all the water that you use in your home is filtered through your septic tank. One of the best things you can do is reduce the amount of water that you use. This can be achieved by using appliances that use less water and by installing water faucets that reduce water usage as well.
Easy Way #4: Protect Your Drainfeild
Finally, you need to protect your drainfield. You can do this by making sure that all water that comes off your roof is directed away from your drainfield.
This is where the water exits your septic system and works its way through layers of sand and rock, further filtering the water before it reaches the groundwater again. Too much water in this area will interfere with the natural filtering process.
You can take care of your septic system by getting an annual inspection, sticking to a pumping schedule, reducing water usage, and protecting your drainfield from excess water. Talk to a septic service to get help caring for your septic system.