3 Tips For Finding The Right Spot For Your Septic Tank

Residential properties that don't have access to a municipal sewer system must rely on a septic tank for waste removal. Selecting the right location for a new septic tank is critical to the ongoing success of the tank itself.

If you are in the process of installing a new residential septic tank, here are three tips that you can use to help identify the perfect location for your new tank.

1. Look for Level Ground

A septic tank must sit level within the hole excavated to hold it in order to properly store waste.

It's possible to level out a spot of ground using an excavator and front-end loader, but this will add to your installation costs. The most affordable place to install a residential septic tank on your property is in an area that is already level.

Starting with level ground will eliminate the need for additional equipment and reduce the amount of time it takes to get your septic tank installed and operational.

2. Pick a High Point

Another valuable tip that you can use to find the perfect spot for your septic tank is to pick a high point on your property. You don't want your septic tank to be installed in a low-lying area on your property.

Lower elevations are more susceptible to flooding. If you install a septic tank in one of these low areas, the tank itself could flood as water drains from your property.

A flooded septic tank can create a real mess, so make sure that your new tank is installed on one of the highest points on your property.

3. Find a Clear Spot

Residential landscapes contain many elements that can be harmful to a septic tank over time. One of the most detrimental of these elements is tree roots.

Tree roots can extend outward from a tree's trunk in search of moisture and nutrients. The contents of a septic tank are very appealing to these tree roots. If you install your new tank in an area near where trees are planted, you run the risk of having tree roots puncture the tank.

A punctured septic tank will allow waste to leak out into the ground, requiring that you dig up the damaged tank and install a new one.

Selecting a spot for your tank that is free and clear from any shrubs, bushes, or trees will prevent root damage in the future.

Contact a professional to learn more about residential septic tank installation

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How Is Your Septic Doing?

How is your septic system doing? If, after reading this sentence, your initial reaction is "I haven't thought about the septic in a long time," then you've stumbled upon the right blog. Here, you're going to read all about septic systems and septic services. We're definitely going to get you thinking about your septic, the ways you keep it in good shape, and any issues it might be having. After reading a few articles, you might realize your septic tank needs service, or you might realize it does not need service quite yet. But either way, you will be better equipped to care for it.




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