Grease traps are used in commercial kitchens, restaurants, and other food service businesses to catch and remove grease from wastewater before the water gets to the sewer system. Grease trap pumping is needed to maintain the trap, keep it working correctly, avoid blockages in the sewer line, and stay within the guidelines of the municipal code for wastewater disposal.
Grease Traps
The majority of grease traps are located outside the building, where the grease trap pumping service can get to the clean-out door.
- If you own a septic tank, the last thing you want to see is sewage standing in your yard as that could be a sign of problems with the septic tank or drainfield. A few things can cause sewage to back up in your yard, including a tank that's too full. Call a septic repair contractor for help without delay so your yard isn't full of toxic waste. The contractor might identify the problem as a broken pipe rather than a failed drainfield.
- Most rural areas lack networked sewer lines, the ones available in urban settings. As a result, homeowners in these areas require septic systems to dispose of their waste correctly. If you live in, plan to build, or move into a home in the countryside, consider installing a septic tank. And, if your home already has one, consider getting a professional to check if it needs repair or replacement. There are various types of septic tanks available, including:
- If you're building a new house in the country, you'll probably need a septic system since the city's sewers won't be available. Since a septic system holds toxic waste, there are regulations to follow when you have the system installed. A good time to do the septic tank installation is after the house is up but before any landscaping is done since the installation will tear up the land in the area.
- When you're having problems with your septic system, such as clogged drains or sewage spilling in the yard, the first step is to locate the source of the problem. The septic repair contractor may need to check the drains, tank, distribution box, and drainfield. While you might be familiar with how the tank and drainfield work, you may not know much about the distribution box. Here's a look at the purpose of the box, how it becomes damaged, and septic repairs that might be needed when the box fails.